Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica

Slovak National Drama Theatre, Slovaška


Evropska gledališka konvencija / European Theatre Convention

on programme

14. 5. 2021. On-line

 We wanted to do combination of real interviews, parts from other work, which are like answers to ideas from the interviews, to really catch a feeling of what kind of renaissance is possible for theatre. It’s full of live acting and artificial digital art, with text from authors from a recent playwriting workshop.

Slovak National Drama Theatre – Slovakia

Written by Péter Esterházy, Roman Polák & Martin Miler
Music: Carmen / Suite for cello sextet by Georges Bizet
Video: Dominik Janovský
English Translation: Nikola Rapčová
With: Vanessa, Dancer Francisco, Technician Juraj, Lady with a bicycle, Director Lubor, Polish Woman, Daniel Fischer, Milan Ondrik, Viera Labudová, Roman Polák

Filmed at: The new SND building
Used shots from the realisation of LIVE streamed performances: Mercedes Benz Midnight Mass, from audio-visual performance Carmen and from rehearsal.