Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica

Tommaso Santi

Cannibal Dance

Danza cannibale

A play intimate and sociocritical

on programme

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14. March 2013, SNG Nova Gorica
Second premiere 15. March 2013, SNG Nova Gorica

about text

Rita and Bruno, a married couple, own a small tannery where a hired worker dies as a result of a faulty acid vat. They don't even know his name, so they decide to simply get rid of the body. The husband will take him, naked, to the park, and then everything will be as if nothing happened. Parallel to the events in the tannery, we follow the work day of city wardens Luciano and Maurizio, the self-declared “peace-and-order volunteers”, who are actually obsessed with the extreme views of intolerance, xenophobia, racism and fascism. When they hear on the scanner that there’s a naked man in the park, either a madman or a junkie, they act immediately. Both stories are thus linked and can now go deeper, the writing allowing for horror, but also for plenty of dark humour.

In Cannibal Dance, the young Italian author Tommaso Santi uncompromisingly paints the mentality characteristic not only for northern Italy, but for Europe in general. In addition to heartlessness of the small business people, forced into inhumane treatment of workers by market requirements, and the conceit and arbitrariness of the wardens, he subtly writes the problem of escaping into illusions perpetrated by hours spent in front of television screens.

SNG Nova Gorica spodbuja razpravo uporabnikov o predstavah in o objavljeni vsebini na spletnih podstraneh predstav. Uporabnike pozivamo, da se pri komentiranju držite teme in upoštevate pravila govornega bontona. Tudi ostro kritiko ali nestrinjanje s posameznimi mnenji je mogoče izraziti brez osebnih napadov in žalitev. Neprimerne in žaljive vsebine bodo odstranjene.

View complete schedule for the show

  • 14. 03. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 15. 03. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 16. 03. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 22. 03. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 23. 03. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 10. 04. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 18. 04. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 19. 04. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 25. 04. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 08. 05. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 11. 05. 2013 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica