Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica

Neda R. Bric

Nora Gregor – The Hidden Continent of Memory / skriti kontinent spomina / il continente nascosto della memoria / ein verborgener Kontinent der Erinnerung

Documentary fiction

A baptismal production

on programme

This performance doesn't have any called terms at the moment.

duration 2 hours and has one interval


Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana (Slovenia), Schauspielhaus Graz (Austria), Il Rossetti, Teatro stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)



25. September 2014, SNG Nova Gorica
Second premiere 02. October 2014, SMG Ljubljana

about text

Nora Gregor, an acting icon of her time and victim of the historic events of the first half of the twentieth century, was born in 1901 to a German-speaking family from Gorica, which at the time was part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. At the end of World War I the city was accorded to Italy, which was merciless to the citizens of Austrian descent, so Nora’s family was forced to move to Austrian Graz. In 1920, Nora had her theatre debut in Vienna and got her first film role that same year. Soon she became one of the most famous and most sought after actresses of her time. Not only was she a star of the Burgtheater in Vienna, she acted in Berlin and Paris and collaborated with the most famous directors of the era, including Max Reinhardt. She also starred in films in Europe and was invited to Hollywood where she appeared in the early successful talkies. At the height of her career she met the Austrian aristocrat Prince Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg, with whom she had a son, Heinrich, in 1934. Her marriage in 1937 gave her a title, but also brought the end to her shining career, while the Anschluss of Austria to Nazi Germany caused exile, loneliness, and finally an early death.
The author of the text and director, Neda R. Bric (1967), known for her successful and award-winning performances of the »Primorska Trilogy« Trieste – Alessandria Embarked (the Story of Aleksandrinke), Eda – the Rusjan Brothers Story, and He Who Fares Alone Through the World Till Evening (Simon Gregorčič), will this time primarily speak about the glitter-filled and misery-laced life story of Nora Gregor, about a place of a woman in society, and about one woman’s inner struggle between her missions as artist, mother and wife. In the year which commemorates the hundredth anniversary of the events that led to World War I, the performance will explore the complex relationship between the three neighbouring nations and the influence of the great societal changes on an individual – they may at first seem innocent, but can suddenly overturn a person’s life completely.
The performance will be an international theatre coproduction between the SNG Nova Gorica, the Mladinsko Theatre, Schauspielhaus Graz (Austria), and the Italian partner Il Rossetti, Teatro stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia from Trieste. The cast will include actors from all the partner theatres in the languages of all three nations. The multimedia performance Nora Gregor will be accompanied by a number of events that will expand its contents: a cinema retrospective of Nora Gregor’s films, an exhibition about her life, a symposium about the cinematography and theatre of her time, workshops for students, and a festival of art installations.


  • Neda R. Bric - Bršljanov venec 2014, priznanje Združenja dramskih umetnikov Slovenije za umetniške dosežke v letu 2014 za idejno zasnovo, besedilo, režijo in celostno realizacijo predstave Nora Gregor – skriti kontinent spomina


festivals and performances abroad

  • Teatro Verdi, Gorica, italija, 2015
  • Il Rossetti - Teatro stabile del FVG, Trst, Italija, 2015
  • Schauspiel Graz, Gradec, Avstrija, 2015
  • 9. gledališki festival Prelet, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana, 2015
  • Odprtje Festivala Invisiblecities, Gorica / Nova Gorica,  2015
  • Jugoslovansko dramsko gledališče, Beograd, Srbija, 2015
  • 23. gledališki maraton, Narodno gledališče Sombor, Srbija, 2015

SNG Nova Gorica spodbuja razpravo uporabnikov o predstavah in o objavljeni vsebini na spletnih podstraneh predstav. Uporabnike pozivamo, da se pri komentiranju držite teme in upoštevate pravila govornega bontona. Tudi ostro kritiko ali nestrinjanje s posameznimi mnenji je mogoče izraziti brez osebnih napadov in žalitev. Neprimerne in žaljive vsebine bodo odstranjene.

Hassan El Berkaoui Hassan El Berkaoui


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View complete schedule for the show

  • 24. 09. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 25. 09. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 26. 09. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 01. 10. 2014 at 20.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 02. 10. 2014 at 20.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 03. 10. 2014 at 19.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 05. 10. 2014 at 20.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 09. 10. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 11. 10. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 22. 10. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 23. 10. 2014 at 11.30. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 24. 10. 2014 at 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 24. 10. 2014 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 12. 11. 2014 at 19.30. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 13. 11. 2014 at 19.30. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 14. 11. 2014 at 19.30. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 24. 03. 2015 at 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 26. 03. 2015 at 17.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 27. 03. 2015 at 20.45. Teatro Verdi, Gorica
  • 31. 03. 2015 at 20.30. Il Rossetti - Teatro stabile del FVG, Trst
  • 08. 05. 2015 at 19.30. Schauspiel Graz, Austria
  • 26. 05. 2015 at 21.00. Slovensko mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
  • 03. 06. 2015 at 21.45. SNG Nova Gorica
  • 16. 06. 2015 at 20.30. Jugoslovansko dramsko gledališče, Beograd, Srbija
  • 17. 06. 2015 at 19.00. Narodno gledališče Sombor, Srbija
  • 07. 11. 2015 at 19.30. Avditorij Portorož
  • 30. 01. 2016 at 19.30. Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje
  • 23. 04. 2020 at 23.59. Internet