23. september 2017
SNG Nova Gorica
At partner theatres 20. October 2017, Gledališče Koper; 18. November 2017, Istarsko narodno kazalište – Gradsko kazalište Pula; 1. December 2017, Slovensko stalno gledališče Trst
Gledališče Koper, Slovensko stalno gledališče Trst, Istarsko narodno kazalište – Gradsko kazalište Pula
In a lively fishing town on the coast of the Austro-Hungarian Istria we encounter a “noisy group of fishermen, sailors and women, whose only place to carry on a conversation is the street.” Similar to the Chioggia of Goldoni’s youth, where “as a court clerk’s assistant /.../ he learnt about the townsfolk and their customs, their language, their liveliness and their characteristic malice” and used his impression of them to write Le baruffe chiozzotte (1762, Squabbles in Chiogga).
Cotton candy, a little tobacco and a talent for defiance ... and in front of us is Predrag Lucič’s adaptation of the “fateful” neighbourly dispute that lashes like the wind until it drops and soughs into a truce. But this truce doesn’t last long. “The problems of fishery squabbles or baruffe is of course a pertinent one,” says director Vito Taufer, who nevertheless doesn’t want to interpret them as “a daily political satire, but they will be a metaphor of today’s multiethnic and multicultural world. We’ll show how the authorities use the little man, a fisherman pushed to the margin, and manipulate him like a peon on the political chessboard. All the local fishy businesses and baruffe serve politicians who open this drawer when it serves them.”
One of Goldoni’s loveliest and most popular comedies, which long ago claimed its home on our side of the Adriatic, its transplantation from the Venetian laguna to the Istrian peninsula has now encouraged a coproduction that links four professional littoral theatres from three countries. The performance of the story of the squabbles, which serves as a reflection for the querulous present, can – thanks to its multilingual playfulness – rise to a new level of understanding.
Imbued with a Mediterranean temperament, this play of Babylonian linguistic diversity was directed by Vito Taufer, a director of many exceptional performances in Slovenian and international theatres. His numerous performances have been staged in littoral theatres, some even as premières at the Summer Festival of the Littoral or as guest performances there.
Open-air premières 21 June 2017 in Koper (Martinčev trg), 23 June in Pula (the courtyard of the Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria), 25 June 2017 in Nova Gorica (Kromberk Castle amphitheatre)
Danijel Malalan, Petra B. Blašković, Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar, Nataša Tič Ralijan -
Songs by
Predrag Lucić, Iztok Mlakar -
Vito Taufer -
Assistant to Director
Renata Vidič -
Language Consultants
Petra B. Blašković, Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar, Nataša Tič Ralijan -
Set Designer
Voranc Kumar -
Costume Designer
Barbara Stupica -
Damir Halilić Hal -
Light Designer
Jaka Varmuž -
Make-up Designer
Matej Pajntar -
Assistant to Director (Student)
Izidor Čok -
Assistant to Costume Designer
Ana Žerjal
Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc k. g.Paškua
Marjuta Slamič k. g.Lucijeta
Maša Grošelj k. g.Urša
Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar k. g.Pepi
Rok Matek k. g.Serđo
Iztok Mlakar k. g.Libera
Petra B. Blašković k. g. / Nataša Tič Ralijan k. g.Urša
Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar k. g. / Elena Brumini k. g.Keka
Nika Ivančić k. g.Šime
Luka Cimprič k. g.Đovanin
Kristijan Guček k. g.Isidor
Igor Štamulak k. g.Guard 1
Andrej Zalesjak k. g.Guard 2
Gorazd Žilavec k. g. / Radoš Bolčina k. g.Toto Coto
Izidor Čok k. g.Guitar Player
Damir Halilić Hal k. g.
- Uprizoritev Barufe - tantadruj za gledališki dosežek 2017/2018
- Marjuta Slamič - tantadruj za igralsko stvaritev 2017/2018, med drugim tudi za vlogo Paškue
- Uprizoritev Barufe - nagrada Primorskega dnevnika 2018 za umetniški presežek iztekajoče sezone, 2018
- Uprizoritev Barufe - velika nagrada Večernjega lista za najboljšo predstavo v celoti, Festival 42. Dnevi satire Fadila Hadžića, Zagreb, Hrvaška, 2018
- Kristijan Guček -igralska nagrada za vlogo Đovanina, Festival 42. Dnevi satire Fadila Hadžića, Zagreb, Hrvaška, 2018
- Uprizoritev Barufe - nagrada za najboljšo predstavo, 5. festival Novi tvrđava Teatar, Novi Sad, Srbija, 2018
Festivals and performances abroad
- 24. Primorski poletni festival, 2017
- Festival 42. dnevi satire Fadila Hadžića, ZKM, Zagreb, Hrvaška, 2018
- 25. Primorski poletni festival, 2018
- 5. festival Novi tvrđava Teatar, Novi Sad, Srbija, 2018
- festival Grad teatar, Budva, Črna gora, 2018
- 63. Splitsko poletje, Split, Hrvaška, 2018
- Zadrsko gledališko poletje, Zadar, Hrvaška, 2018
- HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka, Hrvaška, 2018
- 26. Primorski poletni festival, Izola, 2019
- 14. Festival mediteranskog teatra Purgatorije, Tivat, Crna gora, 2019
21. 6. 2017, 21.00. Martinčev trg, Koper.
23. 6. 2017, 21.00. Zgodovinski in pomorski muzej Istre, Pula, Hrvatska.
25. 6. 2017, 21.00. amfiteater gradu Kromberk.
21. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
22. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
23. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
27. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
28. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
29. 9. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
16. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
17. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
18. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
19. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
20. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
21. 10. 2017, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
16. 11. 2017, 20.00. Istarsko narodno kazalište - Gradsko kazalište Pula.
17. 11. 2017, 20.00. Istarsko narodno kazalište - Gradsko kazalište Pula.
18. 11. 2017, 20.00. Istarsko narodno kazalište - Gradsko kazalište Pula.
1. 12. 2017, 20.30. SSG Trst.
2. 12. 2017, 20.30. SSG Trst.
3. 12. 2017, 16.00. SSG Trst.
14. 12. 2017, 20.30. SSG Trst.
15. 12. 2017, 20.30. SSG Trst.
16. 12. 2017, 19.00. SSG Trst.
18. 12. 2017, 20.30. SNG Nova Gorica.
24. 5. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
25. 5. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
26. 5. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 6. 2018, 20.00. Festival 42. dani satire Fadila Hadžića, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
21. 6. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 6. 2018, 21.30. 25. Primorski poletni festival, Izola.
1. 7. 2018, 21.30. 25. Primorski poletni festival, Izola.
3. 7. 2018, 21.00. Festival Novi tvrđava Teatar Novi Sad, Srbija.
13. 7. 2018, 21.00. Festival Grad teatar Budva, Črna gora.
15. 7. 2018, 21.00. 63. Splitsko poletje, Split, Hrvaška.
17. 7. 2018, 21.30. Zadrsko gledališko poletje, Zadar, Hrvaška.
10. 12. 2018, 18.00. Gledališče Koper.
12. 12. 2018, 19.30. HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka, Hrvaška.
29. 12. 2018, 20.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
30. 12. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 6. 2019, 21.30. Park Arrigoni, Izola, 26. Primorski poletni festival.
22. 6. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
9. 7. 2019, 21.30. 14. Festival mediteranskog teatra Purgatorije 2019, Tivat, Crna Gora.
8. 11. 2020, 23.57. SPLET.