12. marec 2015
SNG Nova Gorica
Although the head of a rich bourgeois family where the blasé youth are treading their own sentimental paths, Orgon, the central tragicomical character of the play, is no match for the complex intergeneration situation. On a random Sunday he meets a supposedly impoverished country aristocrat who entraps him with his moral uprightness. The aristocrat is called Tartuffe and doesn’t have a penny to his name, so Orgon offers him a roof and some material comfort, while in return, Tartuffe with his catholic strictness is to control the moral standards and behaviour in the house. Orgon and his aged mother, Madame Pernelle, blindly trust Tartuffe’s authority, but all the other members of the family immediately sense something calculating in his zeal. Things go very far: it looks like Orgon will give his daughter to Tartuffe as a wife, while at the same time the hypocritical guest is drooling around his host’s wife Elmire. When this is revealed and even Orgon’s eyes see, it is too late, because he’s already signed all his assets over to Tartuffe. The hypocrite is thus holding all the cards and the fate of the family is at his mercy.
In the seventeenth century, France was a site of a veritable war of morals between the reformist Jansenists and the conservative Jesuites, who were supported by the Company of the Blessed Sacrament. Its members had great influence in the society and liked to self-righteously interfere with the lives of bourgeois families in order to prevent any potential »moral debauchery« in them. Even the King himself could do nothing against them, because they explicitly referred to the Christian values – although at the same time they breached them quite openly. Molière exposed them in Tartuffe and a parallel process took place: the influential members of the society managed to get Tartuffe banned for several years, despite the fact that even the king laughed unreservedly at its first performance in Paris. The staging of this classical text by the great comediographer in a translation by Primož Vitez and directed by Vito Taufer try to place the story into the context of our time and the unbearable lightness of manipulation we are facing in everyday life.
Vito Taufer -
Translator, Author of Adaptation, Dramaturg and La
Primož Vitez -
Set Designer
Matej Stupica -
Costume Designer
Barbara Stupica -
Aleksander Pešut – Schatzi -
Light Designer
Samo Oblokar -
Assistant to Director
Tatjana Peršuh
Mme. Pernelle, Orgon's mother
Teja GlažarOrgon, Elmire's husband
Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc k. g.Elmire, Orgon's wife
Helena Peršuh k. g.Damis, Orgon's son
Peter Harl k. g.Mariane, Orgon's daughter, in love with Valère
Urška Taufer k. g.- Nejc Cijan Garlatti k. g.
Valère, in love with Mariane
Matija Rupel k. g.Cléante, Orgon's brother-in -law
Iztok Mlakar k. g.Tartuffe, a hypocrite
Radoš Bolčina k. g.Dorine, Mariane's lady's maid
Ana Facchini k. g.M. Loyal, a bailiff
Žiga Udir k. g.Laurence, Tartuffe's servant
Andrej Zalesjak k. g. / Jure Kopušar k. g.Flipota
Loquillo (lastnik psa Eduardo Ley) k. g.Also appearing
Dean Petrović k. g. / Bogdan Repič k. g.
In the Media
Vito Taufer created Tartuffe as a genre hybrid of comedy, horror and fantasy. The juicy translation of the text and directorial ideas and their acting implementation contribute the comedy, the harmony of all elements of the performance and the actuality and discreet acting the horror, and the final resolution the fantasy tale
of justice. With a happy ending and acting bravados. In addition to the already mentioned performances by Radoš Bolčina, Helena Peršuh and Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc, other roles in Tartuffe are created by Teja Glažar as the loud Madame Pernelle, Iztok Mlakar as Cléante and the promising appearances of Nejc Cijan Garlatti as Valère and Urška Taufer as the inconsolable Mariane. Ana Facchini as the temperamental maid Dorine received standing ovations from the audience.
Anja Bajda, Primorske novice
- Gojmir Lešnjak Gojc – Acting Award of the festival Days of Satire, 2015
- Helena Peršuh – Acting Award of the festival Days of Satire, 2015
Festivals and performances abroad
- Festival 39. Dani satire satire Fadila Hadžića, Satiričko kazalište Kerempuh Zagreb, 2015
- Dnevi Komedije, Celje, 2016
- 62. Splitsko poletje, Split, Hrvaška, 2016
11. 3. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 3. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
13. 3. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
19. 3. 2015, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
25. 3. 2015, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
25. 3. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 3. 2015, 20.00. Gledališče Park Murska Sobota.
9. 4. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
10. 4. 2015, 12.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
10. 4. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 4. 2015, 19.30. SNG Drama Ljubljana. - CANCELLED
25. 4. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
4. 5. 2015, 14.30. SNG Nova Gorica.
5. 5. 2015, 13.30. SNG Nova Gorica.
6. 5. 2015, 19.30. SNG Drama Ljubljana.
10. 5. 2015, 17.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
6. 6. 2015, 20.00. Satirično gledališče Kerempuh, Zagreb, Hrvaška.
26. 10. 2015, 19.00. Gledališče Park, Murska Sobota.
27. 10. 2015, 19.00. Gledališče Park, Murska Sobota.
3. 11. 2015, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 11. 2015, 19.30. Cankarjev dom Vrhnika.
21. 11. 2015, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 11. 2015, 20.00. Linhartova dvorana Radovljica.
24. 12. 2015, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 12. 2015, 20.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
31. 12. 2015, 20.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
5. 1. 2016, 19.30. Delavski dom Hrastnik.
11. 1. 2016, 19.30. Dom kulture Velenje.
12. 1. 2016, 12.15. Dom kulture Velenje.
19. 1. 2016, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 1. 2016, 19.30. Rudniška dvorana Idrija.
25. 1. 2016, 19.30. Dom II. Slovenskega tabora Žalec.
26. 1. 2016, 19.30. Dom II. Slovenskega tabora Žalec.
9. 2. 2016, 19.30. Delavski dom Trbovlje.
10. 2. 2016, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
11. 2. 2016, 20.00. Gledališče Koper.
15. 2. 2016, 11.30. KC Janeza Trdine Novo mesto.
15. 2. 2016, 19.30. KC Janeza Trdine Novo mesto.
16. 2. 2016, 11.30. KC Janeza Trdine Novo mesto.
16. 2. 2016, 19.30. KC Janeza Trdine Novo mesto.
17. 2. 2016, 11.30. KC Janeza Trdine Novo mesto.
19. 2. 2016, 19.30. DPD Svoboda Žiri. - CANCELLED
23. 2. 2016, 19.30. Mestno gledališče ljubljansko.
24. 2. 2016, 19.30. Mestno gledališče ljubljansko.
5. 3. 2016, 19.30. Dnevi komedije 2016, Celje.
10. 3. 2016, 20.00. Cerklje.
26. 3. 2016, 19.30. Kulturni dom Krško. - CANCELLED
4. 4. 2016, 20.00. Kosovelov dom Sežana.
15. 4. 2016, 19.30. Avditorij Portorož.
16. 5. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale.
17. 5. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale.
18. 5. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale.
19. 5. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale.
20. 5. 2016, 20.00. DPD Svoboda Žiri.
23. 5. 2016, 19.30. Dom kulture Kamnik.
27. 5. 2016, 19.30. Kulturni dom Krško.
31. 5. 2016, 20.00. Prešernovo gledališče Kranj.
1. 6. 2016, 20.00. Prešernovo gledališče Kranj.
6. 6. 2016, 18.00. Prešernovo gledališče Kranj.
9. 8. 2016, 21.00. Splitsko ljeto, Split, Hrvaška.
26. 11. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni dom Deskle. - CANCELLED
12. 12. 2016, 12.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
13. 12. 2016, 20.00. Drama SNG Maribor.
15. 12. 2016, 20.00. Kulturni center Kočevje.
19. 12. 2016, 12.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 12. 2016, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 12. 2016, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 1. 2017, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
15. 2. 2017, 20.00. Kulturni center Kočevje.
25. 2. 2017, 19.30. Kulturni dom Sveti Duh pri Škofji Loki.
28. 3. 2017, 19.30. Dom kulture Brežice.
30. 3. 2017, 19.30. Loški oder, Škofja Loka.
31. 3. 2017, 12.00. Loški oder, Škofja Loka.
31. 3. 2017, 19.30. Loški oder, Škofja Loka.
18. 4. 2017, 16.00. Dom kulture Kamnik.
24. 4. 2017, 20.00. Kulturni dom Deskle.
15. 5. 2017, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
17. 5. 2017, 19.00. Kulturni center Lendava.
20. 5. 2017, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
22. 5. 2017, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
23. 5. 2017, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
30. 3. 2018, 12.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
30. 3. 2018, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
3. 4. 2018, 19.30. Kulturni dom Postojna.
5. 4. 2018, 19.30. Kulturni dom Šmarje pri Jelšah.
13. 11. 2020, 23.56. SPLET.