8. september 2009 SNG Nova Gorica
Martin Batista, a special, fiery, intelligent, but peculiarly unhappy man, summarises several days and nights from a crucial period of his life. The high school years are a time of spontaneous vitality, rebellion, and coming of age; the time of reaching maturity, when uncontrollable anger, violence, vulgarity, resistance and disgust can erupt. Martin tells us that one needs to be true, genuine, and spontaneous. The more the world tries to alter you, the more you have to try to live with what you believe and feel – with yourself in the world.
Nika Melink -
Andraž Golc -
Dramaturgy Collaborator
Martina Mrhar -
Language Consultant
Alida Bevk -
Set and Costume Designer
Tijana Todorović -
Igor Leonardi -
Light Designer
Samo Oblokar
Martin Batista
Miha Nemec -
Profesor Kante
Radoš Bolčina -
Iztok Ferjančič, Natakar
Miha Bezeljak k.g. -
Danijel Hofman
Miha Rodman k.g. -
Monika, Tejči, Lara
Medea Novak -
Mario, Taksist
Gorazd Jakomini -
Profesor Angelini
Stane Leban k.g. -
Maja Petrović k.g. , Neža Vidmar k.g. -
Sonja, Valentina, Sara
Ana Hribar k.g.